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A mostrar mensagens de janeiro, 2011
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janeiro 31, 2011
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Megamind 3D on the world's biggest IMAX screen: Done!
janeiro 31, 2011
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How interesting is the MX today.... SPFW, Dave... Hahahh
janeiro 31, 2011
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Disgusting Alexander....
janeiro 29, 2011
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I love my finnish flatmate!
janeiro 29, 2011
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Welcome winter?
janeiro 27, 2011
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Awww, Finnish girls...
janeiro 26, 2011
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janeiro 26, 2011
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I love this country
janeiro 25, 2011
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Australia Day
janeiro 25, 2011
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Australia Day
janeiro 25, 2011
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Not the perfect day But....... Beach!
janeiro 23, 2011
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janeiro 22, 2011
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janeiro 19, 2011
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Awwwww...... :)
janeiro 18, 2011
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janeiro 12, 2011
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Hope not in the same flat...
janeiro 09, 2011
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Emmylou harris @ sydney Festival 1st night
janeiro 08, 2011
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Sydney Festival 1st Night
janeiro 08, 2011
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I'm starving or the moon look like the mcdonalds sign??
janeiro 07, 2011
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janeiro 06, 2011
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janeiro 06, 2011
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janeiro 06, 2011
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janeiro 06, 2011
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@ wooloomooloo hotel
janeiro 06, 2011
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Huuuuuge Accident @ george street.... Near central STation
janeiro 06, 2011
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Huuuuuge accident @ george street near central station nowww.....
janeiro 06, 2011
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