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A mostrar mensagens de março, 2010

@ Blackbird, Darling Harbour

Ai a foto... Impossivel Nao lembrar da stefhany nessa hora. No Meu crossfox...

Guess... Betting 1 beer

Lights off in Darling Harbour and bridge... #EarthHour Sydney

Earth Hour @ Sydney


Because I'm sad.... Hahaha

Coffee Blind Test with Carlota... Hahahaha

Charlie's Angels

Flau & Me @ Starbucks now (10.30pm) One more night without sleep...

Beautiful moon.... But the picture is terrible

Beach! Again! :)

Adorei o termo screenagers...

My New Best Friend

Starting With Ingredients. Aliza Green.

Guinness' Day?

ST. Patrick's day

Alguma coisa aconteceu...

Save Tara?? Hahaha

Beach now and pub for ST. Patrick's day tonight... Hard day!

What a stamp, brazilian post.!! Unbeliavable !

Busy Day...

Thing (Adam's Family), me and Nadja @ home

Other stupid... Hahahaha

Because I'm stupid! ;)

Queen Mary 2

more Queen Mary 2...

Queen Mary 2 @ Sydney

Queen Mary 2

Hello, Bigfoot!

Harry Potter em Latim

Cage Free Eggs...

Galinhas criadas fora de gaiolas. Os ovos sao tao felizes... Uma coisa contagiante! :)